tiistai 19. elokuuta 2014

Lo-fi Strauss of authority

Amazoniin kirjoittamani arvostelu Karl Böhmin Strauss-paketista (voi lukea myös klikkaamalla otsikkoa, jotta näkee, mitä pakettia arvostelu koskee):

Böhm's Strauss may essentially be a lo-fi undertaking, but it is as authentic and authoritary as it gets. Some may feel distracted by the Dresdner evil brass, but they give a certain edge to the music that is lacking in interpretations by such as Kempe or Karajan. If you are serious about Strauss, this is essential. The most representative disc is the one with the Alpine Symphony, a recording never matched and Tod und Verklärung with a good 70s live stereo and a performance with few if any equals.

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